+36-62 / 533-227
Magyar English
Sustainable, renewable energy

Calculation of return

The following table allows you to easily calculate the time needed to return your boiler investment.
Fill out the input fields, then press the button below to calculate ROI.

The length of heating season
full year
only in winter
Heating output demand
Write in the desired heating demand in kW.
Number of months while heating
12 db
If you do not need heating all year round, type the number of months in the right-hand box.
Annual heating output
-- kW
-- kW
Here you can see the totalized heating output for each month.
Heating energy
-- MJ
-- MJ
Here you can see the totalized heating energy for each month.
Calorific value of gas
Here enter the calorific value of gas given by the gas supplier.
Gas quantity
-- m3
-- m3
Here you can see the quantity of gas consumed during given months.
Calorific value of straw
16 MJ/m3
16 MJ/m3
The average calorific value of straw.
Straw volume
-- kg
-- kg
Here you can see the weight of straw fired during the given number of months.
Number of straw bales
-- db
-- db
Here you can see the number of straw bales fired during the given number of months.
Cost of gas unit
Write the cost of gas unit from your gas supplier.
Cost of a straw bale unit
Here enter the purchase price of a straw bale unit.
Annual cost of gas
-- Ft
-- Ft
Here you can see the cost of gas consumed during the given months.
Annual cost of straw
-- Ft
-- Ft
Here you can see the cost of straw consumed during given months.
A surplus of electrical power
1,5 kW
1,5 kW
Since the boiler's pump is operated by electricity, it needs some electric currents.
Extra cost of electricity
-- Ft
-- Ft
Here you can see the cost of electricity consumed during the given months.
-- Ft
-- Ft
Here you can see the savings accrued during the given months without state subsidy.
Boiler price
Here enter the boiler's price.
Payback period
-- year
-- year
Here you can see how much time you need for the return of cost on your boiler.
State subsidy rate
If state subsidy is also used, please enter the amount here.
Amount of state subsidy
-- Ft
-- Ft
The amount of the state subsidy will be displayed here.
ROI with subsidy
-- year
-- year
On the basis of the above given data you will get your ROI during this time.

Questions? Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us at this address. We will try to answer all your questions, offer solutions to arising needs.

Enter your name.
Enter your phone number.
Enter your message.
Enter your email address.

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